Bicycle lending library

“Now more than ever, it’s important to provide children and youth with transportation. Once we are not faced with COVID-19, we’re trying to give people an opportunity to be socially involved. If they’re socially involved, all the other challenges they are facing will be minimized or mitigated through that social interaction” – Stephen Jackson, CEO of Anishnabeg Outreach

Growing up, many of us remember riding our bikes to our friends’ house, or to a part-time job. That pair of wheels meant freedom and access to the world. But for some in the community, buying a bike could mean financial hardship. That’s where a new bicycle lending library being launched in 2020 by Anishnabeg Outreach hopes to make a difference.

Anishnabeg Outreach offers a hub of wraparound services for the Indigenous community in Waterloo Region. This includes an Early ON Centre for children up to the age of 6 and their families, as well as employment services and a family centre. Anishnabeg Outreach also has extensive experience with lending programs. It manages thousands of dollars in weekly donations of clothing and other essentials like diapers, as well as lending libraries for Christmas presents and even Halloween costumes.

About the Project
The project will provide bikes to children and youth in need. Once COVID-19 no longer requires us to social distance, the project will also teach children and youth how to repair and maintain their bikes, as well as the importance and proper use of safety gear. This service provides transportation, self-esteem and opportunities to participate in social events with peers and or family that involve bicycles.

Impact of the Grant
In addition to the donation of bicycles from Waterloo Regional Police and other organizations, a 2019 grant from Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) will go towards funding equipment, parts, and safety gear to help the program get rolling. “I think the grant was critical and seminal in helping us launch the bicycle lending library,” says Stephen Jackson, CEO of Anishnabeg Outreach. “This is a brand-new program that we’re just getting it off the ground.”

Next Steps
Anishnabeg Outreach is currently interested in the donation of bicycles in good working condition, as well as the donation of dollars toward the purchase of helmets, locks and bells to ensure safety while riding. If we are still experiencing social distancing due to COVID-19, you can visit to donate, and find out where to drop off items or how to provide them with support toward refurbishing bikes.

Note: This story was written prior to Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation and Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation unifying to become Waterloo Region Community Foundation. Although the story was created by KWCF, we have updated the organization name to WRCF throughout the story.


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